The Green Climate Fund has today announced the launch of a new partnership of climate experts. The new Communities of Practice (CoP) will tap the expertise of globally renowned organisations to deliver climate knowledge in support of GCF’s activities. The CoP will play a crucial role in driving transformative actions in support of GCF’s mandate. In creating this network, GCF is leveraging cutting edge climate knowledge to increase the impact of GCF’s climate finance investments.
As a relatively young organisation in the global climate finance framework, GCF is constantly learning and expanding its internal capacity. Being able to tap into global expertise and thought leadership on climate change and climate finance is critical to continue the Fund’s development and strengthen its ability to deliver ambitious results.
To continue moving forward as a growing institution, GCF is launching a framework for Communities of Practice (CoP). The framework will involve a network of globally renowned expert organisations who will provide GCF with technical advisory services in core sectoral and key thematic areas, such as forestry, energy efficiency, urban development, health, and others. To this date, 28 organisations covering 14 core sectoral and key thematic areas have been selected to be eligible for the programme. The participating organisations represent a wide range of climate finance stakeholders, such as international organisations, think tanks, consultancies and research institutes.
Communities of Practice will include regular engagement between external global experts and GCF specialists, both individually and institutionally. CoP will be convened and coordinated by lead experts within the GCF Secretariat, who will identify and guide priorities for specific sector-wide and/or support areas engagement. The key goals of the Communities of Practice include:
- ensuring that the best global knowledge and expertise on climate change guides the Fund’s operations;
- leveraging the capabilities and expertise of partner organisations to maximise GCF internal capacity;
- positioning GCF as a thought leader by integrating global climate knowledge and advancing its executional capacity;
- supporting complementarity and exchanging information with other organisations working in the field of climate finance.
Selected organisations for each Community of Practice:
;Organisation | Area |
Agriconsulting Europe SA (AESA) | Forests |
Apec Climate Center | Climate information and early warning |
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) | Climate economics and economic analysis of climate projects |
Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP) | Climate technologies |
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) |
CowaterSogema International |
Deltares |
Eco Ltd. |
Ernst & Young LLP |
GHD Centre |
GreenMax Capital Advisors | Energy Efficiency |
Institute for Transportation & Development Policy |
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) |
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) |
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) | Ecosystems |
KnowlEdge Srl, Italy + International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Switzerland + Stellenbosch University, South Africa |
Met Office |
Navigant Europe |
One World Group | Adaptation planning |
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) | Climate Information & Early Warning |
The Carbon Trust |
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) | Climate Economics and Economic Analysis of Climate Projects |
The Whitelum Group |
UN-Habitat |
World Health Organization (WHO) | Health |
World Resources Institute |
WYG International B.V. |