Dominican Republic
Latin America and the Caribbean Small Island Developing States
No. of projects
Total GCF financing
No. of Readiness activities
Readiness support approved
Explore more funding data in the GCF Open Data Library
National Designated Authority
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
Ms. Ana Emilia Pimentel Primary
Viceminister of Climate Change and Sustainibility
Ave. Cayetano Germosén esq. Ave. Gregorio Luperón. Ensanche El Pedregal, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (the)
Viceminister of Climate Change and Sustainibility
Ave. Cayetano Germosén esq. Ave. Gregorio Luperón. Ensanche El Pedregal, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (the)
GCF Team
Valentina VilloriaInstitutional Focal Point
Send e-mail Mahendra Saywack
Institutional Focal Point
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