
Farmerline: Empowering smallholder farmers and governments to create climate-resilient agribusinesses


Bridging the climate-health gap


Love letter to my planet

A unique fund for humanity’s greatest challenge A unique fund for huma grea

As the world’s largest climate fund, GCF accelerates transformative climate action in developing countries through a country-owned partnership approach and use of flexible financing solutions and climate investment expertise.


News update

GCF strengthens climate action collaboration in the MENA region


Building climate resilient economies: water solutions in Grenada’s agriculture and tourism sectors

News update

GCF at the World Bank-IMF Spring Meetings and UN: Climate finance and global financial reforms loom large

Working paper

How to financially incentivise well-designed climate projects

News update

Newly launched platform to expand electric vehicle use across India


Climate crisis in the Himalayas: addressing the threat of melting glaciers in Northern Pakistan


From scarcity to sustainability: Maldives’ ambitious water security project

News update

Five newly approved climate projects ready for delivery on the ground


Rural women rising

How to access climate finance How to access climate finance

How to access
climate finance

GCF works to increase access for developing countries, which means quicker, simpler, with harmonised standards, delivered closer to local communities, and catalysing more funding.

Explore our funding windows and ways of partnering with us.

Fishers in West Santo Province, Vanuatu are seeing decreasing fish sizes in their catch. Photo: Nikiatu Kuautonga/Save the Children

Project impact stories

GCF and KawiSafi Ventures Fund driving off-grid solar power in East Africa

Electricity cuts off every day, at any given moment. That is why I looked for a way to have constant power. I chose to use BBOXX solar power. The television is working, and the customers can enjoy it. My family’s livelihood has been transformed thanks to my business

Aboubakar Ntabanganyiman
Shop owner, Gasinga, Rwanda

The voices of Datem del Marañón: Protecting one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the world

Before this project, we did not know how to harvest the tree. Our ancestors used to cut it down. This new technique is much more efficient. When we harvest, we preserve branches so that animals can feed.

Segundo Chanchari
Aguaje palm tree escalation technician

On the frontlines of climate change: Financing the largest community-based adaptation project in Vanuatu

We women depend on fishing along the coastline to provide fish for our families, but most of our catch now is much smaller than the ones we caught here in the past years.

Jennie Jenery
Villager from Efate Island in Vanuatu

Cambodia's climate action game-changer: resilient agricultural value chains

I have just received a new rice variety this year [2020]. I planted it in June and harvested it in November. I'm thrilled to say that the increased yields were as high as I had hoped.

Sam Dany
Farmer in Kampong Cham Province

Recently approved projects

GCF is delivering impactful climate action
where it’s needed most

Total project value
Emissions avoided

E-Mobility Program


Resilient Puna: Ecosystem based Adaptation for sustainable High Andean communities and ecosystems in Peru


Increase Resilience to Climate Change of Smallholders Receiving the Services of the Inclusive Agricultural Value Chains Programme (DEFIS +)


Cambodian Climate Financing Facility


Acumen Climate Action Pakistan Fund


Kuali Fund-GCF


Accelerating Solar Action Program (ASAP)


Akamatutu’anga To Tatou Ora’anga Meitaki (ATOM): Building a healthy and resilient Cook Islands Community – one block at a time


Building the Adaptive Capacity of Sugarcane Farmers in Northern Belize (BaC-SuF).


Sierra Leone Coastal Resilience Project (SLCRP)


Avaana Sustainability Fund

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