GCF embodies equitable governance to respond to the global challenge of climate change, one that ensures consensus-based decisions between developed and developing countries.Committees, panels and groups
Committees assist the Board in its decision-making, and exercise any delegated authority under the overall authority and direction of the Board. Except for standing committees, all committees established ad hoc should have a clearly defined timeline and end date, related to the execution of its functions and should be subject to review at regular intervals.
Technical and expert panels are established by the Board to assist it in the performance of its fucntions, and generally only have advisory functions. These panels may include Board members, alternate members, and external experts.
Accreditation Committee
The Accreditation Committee will provide policy guidance to the Board on the Fund’s evolving guiding framework for the accreditation process, enabling the Fund to enhance the efficiency and efficacy of the accreditation process. Specifically, it will:
- Provide guidance on the development of policies and procedures for the Fund’s guiding framework for the accreditation process; and
- Provide policy guidance to the Accreditation Panel to facilitate the accreditation process without interfering with the technical assessments of the Panel. The Accreditation Committee will consider the recommendations and advice provided to it by the Accreditation Panel.
Established by decision B.07/02
Contact person: Chisimphika Chinyama
Terms of 3 years, subject to review of committees
Member | Constituency |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developed countries |
pending | Developed countries |
pending | Developed countries |
Budget Committee
The Budget Committee will review and make recommendations to the Board on the preparation and implementation of the Administrative Budget of the Fund. The Committee will also review the annual work programme of the Secretariat and the proposed annual budget of the Fund, in accordance with paragraphs provisions 18 (j) and 23(e) of the Governing Instrument. Specifically, it will:
- Review and make recommendations on the Fund’s proposed annual administrative budget, including the budget implications of the annual presentation of the staffing structure and changes to the HR policy guidelines;
- Review and make recommendations on the execution of the annual expenditures of the administrative budget;
- Review and make recommendations on financial reports and related documents submitted by the Trustee; Cooperate with the Ethics and Audit Committee on the annual audits of the GCF; and
- Consider any other matters related to the administrative budget of the GCF as referred to the Committee by the Board.
Established by decision B.12/37
Contact person: Alexandra Stephenson
Terms of 3 years, subject to review of committees
Member | Constituency |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developed countries |
pending | Developed countries |
pending | Developed countries |
Ethics and Audit Committee
The Ethics and Audit Committee will consider and provide guidance on issues of conflict of interest, confidentiality, ethics, financial management, procurement and other audit functions as they relate to the Board. Specifically, it will:
- Oversee the development of a draft Board policy on transparency, ethics and conflict of interest, including the issue of confidentiality, for consideration by the Board in 2014;
- Oversee the implementation of, and compliance with, the Board policy on ethics and conflict of interest, including by providing recommendations on any breaches of the policy;
- Provide guidance on the development and review implementation of, and compliance with, the Fund’s comprehensive information disclosure policy;
- Provide recommendations for the establishment of the Fund’s Independent Integrity Unit and independent redress mechanism;
- Provide advice to the Board on policy and strategy matters relating to financial reporting and audit requirements for the Fund;
- Review and make recommendations to the Board on audits of the administrative budget, as necessary;
- Review and make recommendations to the Board on external audit reports; and
- Consider any other matters the Board deems appropriate.
Established by decision B.05/13
Contact person: Antoaneta Boeva
Terms of 3 years, subject to review of committees
Member | Constituency |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developed countries |
pending | Developed countries |
pending | Developed countries |
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee will develop and review investment strategies and instruments and recommend their approval to the Board, in particular relating to the Private Sector Facility (PSF) and in accordance with the Fund’s objectives and result areas, social and environmental safeguards and risk management framework. Specifically, it will:
- Oversee the development by the Secretariat’s investment framework, consistent with decision B.05/17, for consideration by the Board;
- Review and make recommendations to the Board on implementing the investment strategy and financial instruments, including with regard to their economic viability and alignment and compliance with the Fund’s objectives, social and environmental safeguards and risk management framework;
- Oversee and review periodic assessments by the Secretariat’s portfolios to ensure consistency with the Fund’s investment strategy;
- Review and recommend for Board consideration proposed amendments to the Fund’s investment‐related policies and the use of various financial instruments; and
- Consider any other investment‐related matters that the Board deems appropriate.
Established by decision B.05/13
Contact person: Alexandra Stephenson
Terms of 3 years, subject to review of committees
Member | Constituency |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developed countries |
pending | Developed countries |
pending | Developed countries |
Performance Oversight Committee of the ED and Heads of IUs
The Performance Oversight Committee of the Executive Director and Heads of Independent Units will assist the Board in discharging its responsibilities regarding the performance management of the Head of the IEU, the Head of the IIU, the Head of the IRM and the Executive Director of the Secretariat (collectively referred to as “Board-Appointed Officials”). Specifically, it will:
- Set the objectives of Board-Appointed Officials;
- Develop a procedure for performance review of Board- Appointed Officials by the Committee;
- Monitor the performance of Board-Appointed Officials;
- Make recommendations to the Board regarding the performance reviews of Board-Appointed Officials;
- Make recommendations to the Board regarding performance-based increment increases in payment for Board-Appointed Officials, in consultation with the Board’s Budget Committee;
- Consider any other matters related to the performance of Board Appointed Officials that the Board deems appropriate.
Established by decision B.21/13
Contact person: Artur Cardoso de Lacerda
Terms of 3 years, subject to review of committees
Member | Constituency |
pending | Developed countries |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developed countries |
pending | Developing countries |
Note: The chair is yet to be elected |
Risk Management Committee
The Risk Management Committee will ensure the development of an appropriate risk management framework for the Fund, enabling the Fund to exert due diligence and manage its risks prudently. Specifically, it will:
- Oversee the development and implementation by the Secretariat of a financial risk management framework, consistent with decision B.05/17. In a second stage, oversee the development and implementation of a risk management framework that covers other types of risks to the Fund. These will enable the Fund, including its Private Sector Facility (PSF), to systematically identify risks, contextualize them and manage them appropriately;
- Oversee and review a register of strategic risks across the Fund;
- Monitor the management by the Secretariat of the Fund’s overall risk profile, including the PSF, to confirm that the Fund is operating within Board‐approved risk limits;
- Review and provide recommendations on periodic risk management reports and/or notification of material breaches of risk limits or procedures, as provided by the Secretariat;
- Review and provide recommendations on independent evaluations of the implementation of sound risk management practices by the Fund;
- Support the Executive Director in ensuring the continuous development of a risk‐ and compliance‐aware culture in the Fund; and
- Consider any other risk‐related matters the Board deems appropriate
Established by decision B.05/13
Contact person: Erin Underwood
Terms of 3 years, subject to review of committees
Member | Constituency |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developing countries |
pending | Developed countries |
pending | Developed countries |
pending | Developed countries |
Accreditation Panel
The Accreditation Panel is an independent technical panel established to advise the Board on matters related to the accreditation of implementing entities and intermediaries to the Fund. The panel is comprised of six expert members with balanced representation between developing and developed countries and the appropriate range of expertise, nominated by the Accreditation Committee and endorsed by the Board. The panel operates as a senior and independent technical advisory body of the Fund, reports, and is accountable to the Board. In conducting the review of applications for accreditation, the panel may decide to make use of additional external technical experts. Members of the panel will have a three-year term, with the possibility of renewal for a maximum of another consecutive term.
This panel is mandated to provide:
- Technical advice on the results of the in-depth assessment and review of individual applications for accreditation;
- Expertise in good-practice fiduciary principles and standards, financial intermediation functions, intermediation regulations and oversight;
- Expertise in Environmental and Social Safeguards, as well as in evaluating environmental and social management systems in order to ensure that applicant entities have the capacity to implement and oversee GCF's ESS;
- Expertise in international and recognised good practices in accreditation procedures and systems; and
- Expert policy advice on developing countries’ special circumstances, including sustainability and climate-related issues.
Established by decision B.07/02
Contact person: Olena Borysova
Terms of 3 years, renewable once
Member |
Mr. Ben Boxer (Chair) |
Ms. Diana Isiye |
Ms. Natalie Unterstell |
Ms. Sandra Abiola |
Ms. Irene Nakiwu Koksæter |
Ms. Yasmin Saadat (Vice-Chair) |
Independent Technical Advisory Panel
The independent Technical Advisory Panel (the independent TAP) was established by Board decision B.07/03. The independent TAP operates as an independent technical advisory body of the GCF and conducts technical assessments of funding proposals submitted through the Secretariat by GCF accredited entities. The independent TAP conducts the assessments and reports the results to the Board of Directors during the stage of "analysis and recommendations to the Board“ of the GCF project and programme approval cycle.
The independent TAP assesses the performance of the funding proposals submitted to GCF against six GCF activity-specific criteria. To conduct its technical assessment of funding proposals, the independent TAP is provided with the final funding proposal; the Secretariat’s assessment of compliance with safeguards, policies and performance of the project or programme against activity-specific criteria; and other necessary information that may reasonably be requested from the Secretariat. In addition, the independent TAP may be provided, as per the applicable project and programme activity cycle, with previous submissions of the funding proposals for initial review and feedback.
Established by decision B.07/03
Contact person: Alejandra Pena
Terms of 3 years, renewable
Member |
Mr. Rey Guarin |
Ms. Caroline Petersen (Chair) |
Mr. Ricardo Nogueira |
Ms. Carmenza Robledo Abad |
Ms. Ina Hoxha |
Mr. Jan Martin Witte |
Mr. Jurg Grutter |
Mr. Kenel Delusca |
Ms. Debbie Menezes |
Ms. Marianne Kjellén |