The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is an international organisation whose main goal is to reduce poverty in Asia and the Pacific through environmentally sustainable growth. This goal is pursued through the provision of various forms of financial assistance to developing countries through loans, technical assistance, grants, guarantees and equity investments. ADB works in many areas to address climate change, however its main focus and expertise are in the following subject matter: clean energy, sustainable transport and urban development, land use and forests for carbon sequestration, climate resilient development, as well as strengthening related policies, governance and institutions. ADB intends to deploy financial resources from the GCF in public and private sector projects focused on mitigation (e.g. energy generation and access, energy efficiency, transport, buildings, cities, industries and appliances, land use/forestry, and institutional and regulatory systems); adaptation (e.g. enhancing livelihoods, health and well-being and food and water security, infrastructure and built environment, ecosystems and ecosystem services, climate information/ early warning systems, and awareness strengthening and climate risk reduction), and cross-cutting issues.
Accreditation timeline
Accreditation term 1
06 Sep 2017 - 05 Sep 2022
Accreditation date
26 Mar 2015
AMA execution date
17 Aug 2017
AMA effectiveness
06 Sep 2017
Term end date
05 Sep 2022
Accreditation term 2
20 Sep 2023 - 19 Sep 2028
Re-accreditation date
20 Jul 2022
AMA execution date
13 Jul 2023
AMA effectiveness
20 Sep 2023
Term end date
19 Sep 2028
Entity details
- Micro
- Small
- Medium
- Large
Environmental and social risk category
- Category C
- Category B
- Category A
- Intermediation 3
- Intermediation 2
- Intermediation 1
Fiduciary standards
- Basic
- Project management
- Grant award
- On-lending/blending:
- Loan
- Equity
- Guarantee
- Blending
News + Stories

ADB Launches Major Initiative to Build Resilience to Melting Glaciers: GCF to support development of new programme
22 Nov 2024 / The Asian Development Bank (ADB) launched a new regional programme, Glaciers to Farms, that will promote sustainable water use and food security in Central Asia, the South Caucasus, and Pakistan amid the catastrophic impacts of accelerated glacial melt due to climate change. Supported by the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) Project Preparation Facility, ADB will conduct risk assessments of glacial melt in Azerbaijan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan—forming the scientific and technical basis for the Glacier to Farms program.

Cambodia's climate action game-changer: Resilient agricultural value chains
25 Oct 2021 / GCF’s climate finance is improving the climate resilience of Cambodian farmers by reducing the carbon footprint of each stage of the agricultural value chain. Through investments in climate-resilient agricultural production and post-harvest infrastructure, and the promotion of low-carbon technologies at various stages of the value chain, this project aims to reduce Cambodia’s carbon emissions by 240,000 tonnes.

Green Climate Fund and its partners launch the Alliance for Hydromet Development
10 Dec 2019 / Twelve international organisations providing assistance to developing countries came together at COP25 today to launch the Alliance for Hydromet Development. As a founding member, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) joined the Alliance to unite efforts to close the capacity gap on early warnings and climate information by 2030.

GCF supporting energy transformation in SIDS
12 Nov 2018 / To enable Tonga's shift from fossil fuel-based energy generation, the Tonga Renewable Energy Project (TREP) will help install utility scale energy storage systems to facilitate the integration of variable renewable energy to Tonga's power grid.