The International Finance Corporation (IFC) headquartered in the United States of America, is an international organization with a strong global presence and focus on development, primarily in the private sector. Established in the 1950s, IFC works in over 100 developing countries through the private sector, with a special focus on infrastructure, manufacturing, agribusiness, services and financial markets. The climate investment portfolio of IFC has reached US$ 13 billion, with a track record in wind and solar projects globally. Its experiences in leveraging, mobilizing and intermediating climate funds and programmes for green growth has allowed it to help unlock private climate investment using blended finance. In addition to investments in climate projects, IFC also provides technical assistance or advisory services to private and public sector clients to promote sound environmental, social, governance and industry standards; catalyse investment in clean energy and resource efficiency; and support sustainable supply chains and community investment. With its experience in investing, mobilizing and intermediating climate finance to promote private sector projects at scale for both mitigation and adaptation in developing countries, IFC sought accreditation to the GCF to contribute its experience and capacity to deliver to support the mandate of the GCF to promote a paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development.
Accreditation timeline
Accreditation term 1
11 Mar 2025 - 10 Mar 2030
Accreditation date
08 Mar 2016
AMA execution date
22 Nov 2017
AMA effectiveness
11 Mar 2025
Term end date
10 Mar 2030
Entity details
Environmental and social risk category
Category C
Category B
Category A
Intermediation 3
Intermediation 2
Intermediation 1
Fiduciary standards
Project management
Grant award
Multiple countries
GCF-IFC Scaling Resilient Water Infrastructure (RWI) Facility
The role of the banking sector in the fight against climate change
07 Dec 2018 / GCF hosted an event on green banking and the overall role that the banking sector can play in addressing climate change at the sidelines of COP24 in Katowice. Speakers from EBRD, IFC, UNFCCC, RMI and the Green Investment Group agreed that the sector has potential for substantial impact in driving decarbonisation of the economy, but the fit for purpose regulatory environment should be in place. Alzbeta Klein, Director of Climate Business Department at IFC, recognised recent positive developments of including climate change as an important element of banking supervision.
GCF expands private sector reach with IFC agreement
11 Dec 2017 / GCF has signed an agreement that will enable the IFC to pool its resources with those of more than 40 governments that have contributed about USD 10 billion to support investments in climate action.
2121 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, D.C., 20433, United States
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