National Designated Authority
The National Treasury
Principal Secretary
Treasury Building 12th Floor, Harambee Avenue, Nairobi, Kenya
Programme Manager, National Coordination (FLLoCA)
Senior Policy Advisor, Climate Finance
GCF Team
Sun ChoInstitutional Focal Point
Send e-mail Marie Tajima
Institutional Focal Point
Send e-mail Euan Low
Sub Regional Lead
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News + Stories

Farmerline: Empowering smallholder farmers and governments to create climate-resilient agribusinesses
04 Jun 2024 / The impact of climate change is impacting all sectors, with agriculture being particularly vulnerable, and a significant contributor to its exacerbation at the same time. The agricultural sector alone is indeed responsible for 19 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, totalling 9.9 billion tons of CO2e annually. Agriculture is a major industry in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda, with up to 80 percent of farmland managed by smallholder farmers, who are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, with wide-ranging supply chain impacts.

Supporting women’s local businesses and climate-friendly cookstoves in Kenya
15 Feb 2024 / About 15 per cent of the energy demand worldwide is met by classic biomass such as firewood, charcoal, and plant residues. Some 2.8 billion people cook their daily meals with such biomass. Kenya is no exception: more than 80 per cent of Kenya’s population uses biomass for cooking and heating. The combustion of these materials during cooking releases greenhouse gases (GHG).

GCF and KawiSafi Ventures Fund driving off-grid solar power in East Africa
05 Dec 2023 / Although the African continent is responsible for only three per cent of the world's human-induced greenhouse gas emissions each year, it is expected to suffer some of the most severe consequences of climate change. Significant investments in Africa's infrastructure, manufacturing capacity, and economy are necessary to helpthe continent's adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Reframing development goals to catalyze climate finance
15 Oct 2018 / To expand the impact of GCF-funding and empower locally driven climate actions, a pioneering collaboration between the Government of Germany, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN Environment and the World Resource Institute (WRI), supported nine countries to put systems in place to understand and engage effectively with the Green Climate Fund and to systematically address overall climate finance gaps and opportunities.

Acumen and GCF sign agreement to implement its first approved project proposal, bringing household solar energy to East Africa
04 Aug 2016 / GCF and Acumen Fund today signed an agreement enabling the disbursement of funds to implement the first approved project proposal from Acumen, making it the first GCF project to move to this stage.