B.13/24: Funding proposals: Matters related to the interim redress procedures
The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/17 titled “Interim procedures for redress: reconsideration of funding decisions”,
- Adopts the interim procedures for the reconsideration of funding decisions, as set out in annex IV;
- Requests the Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism to prepare, with the support of the Secretariat, for consideration by the Board no later than its sixteenth meeting, the detailed guidelines and procedures for the independent Redress Mechanism referred to in the terms of reference of the independent Redress Mechanism (decision B.06/09, annex V, para. 14 (document GCF/B.06/18, annex V, para. 14)) in close consultation with similar or equivalent mechanisms of accredited entities and other stakeholders;
- Also requests the Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism, when preparing such detailed guidelines and procedures:
- To consider how the GCF should contribute to the third-party costs and expenses incurred by those who are entitled to seek redress from the GCF and make a recommendation to the Board in this regard, including in respect of the circumstances under which such costs may be claimed and the modalities pursuant to which such costs will be assessed; and
- To include, if possible, guidelines on the categories of information that the Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism may reasonably request from those who are entitled to seek redress from the GCF;
- Affirms that prior to the full operationalization of the GCF independent Redress Mechanism, grievances and complaints from communities and people should be addressed by the institutional grievance mechanism of the relevant accredited entity; and
- Invites the Head of Independent Redress Mechanism, following consultation with relevant stakeholders, to recommend any necessary updates to the terms of reference of the independent Redress Mechanism for the Board’s consideration no later than the fifteenth meeting of the Board.