B.19/21: Work programmes and budgets of the independent units
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.19/07 titled “2018 Work Plan and Budget and Three-year Rolling Work Plan of the Independent Evaluation Unit”:
- Takes note of the Three-year Rolling Work Plan of the Independent Evaluation Unit as contained in annex XX and requests the Independent Evaluation Unit to amend it once the evaluation policy of the GCF has been adopted;
- Recommends that the Three-year Rolling Work Plan be updated annually to ensure flexibility, learning and predictability for the Independent Evaluation Unit;
- Approves the 2018 Work Plan and Budget of the Independent Evaluation Unit as contained in annex XXI (budget amounting to USD 2,953,867), respectively; and
- Requests the Independent Evaluation Unit to report at each Board meeting on the implementation of its annual work plan and the Three-year Rolling Work Plan.