B.23/17: Integrity policies: Cost implications of the implementation of the Interim Policy on the Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment
The Board, having considered limited distribution document GCF/B.23/15 titled “Cost implications of the implementation of the Interim Policy on the Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Abuse, and Sexual Harassment”:
- Approves the total budget of USD 90,000 for the year 2019 for the implementation of the Interim Policy on the Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment as set out in table 1 of document GCF/B.23/15; and
- Notes the limited experience of GCF in handling such cases and that the budgets provided are estimates. Therefore, both the Secretariat and the Independent Integrity Unit will need to monitor these budgets constantly to ensure that the policy continues to be enforced at the expected level.