B.25/11: Consideration of funding proposals
The Board, having considered limited distribution document GCF/B.25/11 titled “Status of approved funding proposals: status of further no-objection letters and modality for adding future no-objection letters for FP038 (GEEREF NeXt)”:
- Recalls that the Secretariat presented FP038 at the sixteenth meeting of the Board to be implemented in 30 host countries, including Uruguay;
- Also recalls decision B.16/02, in which the Board approved FP038;
- Confirms, accordingly, that the Board approved FP038 in decision B.16/02 for 30 host countries, including Uruguay;
- Takes note of the five new no-objection letters for FP038 submitted by the national designated authorities for the relevant countries;
- Approves the inclusion of Morocco, Panama, the Philippines, Saint Lucia and Samoa as host countries for FP038; and
- Authorizes the Secretariat to negotiate the funded activity agreement for FP038, which shall reflect the change hereby approved, as contained in document GCF/B.25/11.