B.33/05: Addressing gaps in the current portfolio for measurement
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.33/10 titled “Updates on addressing gaps in the current portfolio for measurement”:
- Takes note of the information presented in the document;
- Reiterates the commitment of GCF as a learning organization to iteratively improve the integration of sufficient monitoring and evaluation budget and activities for the gathering of evidence in funding proposals and funded activities to ensure credibility of the portfolio and the project/programme results reported;
- Notes that through a voluntary arrangement, 13 accredited entities agreed to proceed to Phase 2 to implement remedial measures for 21 funded activities;
- Approves the Secretariat proposal to offer two tracks to the participating accredited entities for Phase 2 of the remediation activities:
- Track 1: Accredited entities directly receive the budget and implement the remediation measures. Under this track, accredited entities will manage the entire remediation exercise, from procurement and supervision of service providers through to the completion of the logical framework improvements; and
- Track 2: Accredited entities do not access the budget directly and implement the remediation measures through the Secretariat. Under this track, the Secretariat procures service providers for the accredited entities, but the latter will supervise the service providers and manage the entire remediation exercise;
- Also approves the proposal for the Secretariat to deliver the capacity-building activities requested by the accredited entities using two complementary modalities:
- Modality 1: In-person workshop. The Secretariat will deliver training on prioritized monitoring and evaluation-related knowledge gaps. The training will also be offered to executing entities and could be delivered either in country-specific sessions or regional events, whichever is more cost-effective; and
- Modality 2: Monitoring and evaluation help desk. To complement the classroomstyle training under the first modality, the Secretariat will establish a monitoring and evaluation help desk that will run for six months after the delivery of workshops;
- Further approves that the Secretariat retain a vendor to provide support in the development of monitoring and evaluation training modules tailored to the monitoring and evaluation-specific requirements of GCF, and the design and management of the monitoring and evaluation help desk;
- Approves the budget of USD 1,832,398 to be executed during the years 2022 and 2023 for the remediation activities referred to in paragraph (d) above (the “Remediation Activities”) and capacity-building activities referred to in paragraph (e) above (the “Capacity-Building Activities”);
- Authorizes the Secretariat to determine the amount of funds to be made available to each accredited entity to implement the Remediation Activities in accordance with the information contained in document GCF/B.33/10/Add.02 (each, a “Remediation Grant”);
- Confirms that the implementation of the Remediation Activities, including the entry into of any relevant legal agreements that may be necessary in order for the Remediation Activities to be implemented, does not fall within the scope of the Policy on Restructuring and Cancellation adopted by the Board pursuant to decision B.22/14;
- Also confirms that all relevant GCF policies that apply to the use of GCF proceeds in the context of funded activities shall be equally applicable to the Remediation Grants;
- Authorizes the Executive Director or his designee to negotiate and enter into legal agreements on behalf of GCF with accredited entities and other parties involved in respect of the Remediation Activities and the Capacity-Building Activities; and
- Requests the Secretariat to update the Board on the changes in the risk rating of the portfolio for measurement at the end of the implementation of remediation activities in Phase 2.