B.37/04: Report on the activities of the Co-Chairs
The Board:
- Establishes the Committee on Human Resources Matters as an ad hoc committee of the Board in accordance with paragraphs 2(g) and 30 of the Rules of Procedure of the Board;
- Adopts the terms of reference of the Committee on Human Resources Matters as set out in annex III;
- Decides that the three members from the developed country constituency and three members from the developing country constituency will be deemed appointed by the Board once they have been selected by their respective constituencies and communicated by the Co-Chairs to the Secretariat; and
- Confirms that the work of the Committee on Human Resources Matters does not affect the role of the Budget Committee with respect to matters that fall within paragraph 3(a) of the terms of reference of the Budget Committee adopted by the Board in decision B.12/37.