B.37/06: Working modalities of the Accreditation Panel
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.37/11 titled “Update of the working modalities of the Accreditation Panel”, pursuant to decision B.07/02, annex V, paragraph 17, and pursuant to decision B.31/06, paragraph (f):
- Takes note of and endorses the updated Modalities of Work of the Accreditation Panel contained in annex I to document GCF/B.37/11; and
- Requests, pursuant to decision B.07/02, annex V, paragraph 26, that the Accreditation Committee, in consultations with the Secretariat and the Accreditation Panel, review and, if necessary, update the terms of reference of the Accreditation Panel adopted in decision B.07/02, paragraph (h), to ensure they remain fit for purpose, and present them to the Board for approval no later than the thirty-ninth meeting of the Board.