B.40/01: Report on the activities of the Secretariat

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.40/20 titled “Implementation of the updated structure of the Secretariat”:

  1. Endorses the implementation of the updated structure of the Secretariat referred to by the Executive Director at the thirty-eighth meeting of Board and as described in document GCF/B.39/Inf.08 and annex III to document GCF/B.40/Inf.13;
  2. Decides that approval of the Board is required in order for new positions at the level of Chief (or other positions at the equivalent salary level) to be established in addition to those existing as at the date of this decision; and
  3. Requests the Secretariat, in the event that the percentage of staff at the level of Director (or other positions at the equivalent salary level) exceeds 7 per cent of total Secretariat staff headcount, to seek the endorsement of the Board on the matter.