B.41/02: Co-Chairs proposal on modifications to the initial no-objection procedure
The Board, having considered document GCF/B.41/12 titled “Co-Chairs proposal on modifications to the initial no-objection procedure”:
- Decides to:
- Delete paragraphs 9(c) and 11 of the initial no-objection procedure approved by the Board in decision B.08/10, paragraph (b), annex XII (the “No-Objection Procedure”);
- Insert a new paragraph 10 into the No-Objection Procedure, to read as follows:
“10. Notwithstanding any no-objection communicated by the NDA or focal point, the accredited entity shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the relevant project, programme and, where applicable, any subprojects under a programme, are implemented in a manner consistent with applicable national laws.”; and - Renumber the remaining paragraphs of the No-Objection Procedure accordingly; and
- Requests the Secretariat to consider the broader issues raised by Board members concerning the initial no-objection procedure, as referred to in document GCF/B.41/12, in the context of the review and update of the guidelines for enhanced country ownership and country drivenness in line with the Strategic Plan for the GCF 2024–2027.