B.BM-2018/06: Status of the fulfilment of funding proposal conditions: waiver of a condition in respect of FP021 (AFD Senegal Integrated Urban Flood Management Project)
The Board, having considered document GCF/BM-2018/06/Rev.01 titled “Status of the fulfilment of funding proposal conditions: waiver of a condition in respect of FP021 (AFD Senegal Integrated Urban Flood Management Project)”:
Decides to waive the following condition that was adopted through decision B.14/07 for funding proposal FP021, “Senegal Integrated Urban Flood Management Project” submitted by Agence Française de Développement, thus rendering the condition not applicable with respect to funding proposal FP021:
“Additional conditions: […]
- Securing funding for intradomiciliary connections in those areas where sewers will be built.”