• Decision type
  • Decision date 25 Jun 2021

B.BM-2021/15: Decision of the Board on the amendment to the Evaluation Policy for the GCF: Updated Terms of Reference of the Independent Evaluation Unit

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/BM-2021/14/Rev.01 titled “Amendment to the Evaluation Policy for the GCF: Updated terms of reference of the Independent Evaluation Unit”:

  1. Recalls decision B.BM-2021/07 requesting the Independent Evaluation Unit to present updated terms of reference of the Independent Evaluation Unit, as an amendment to the Evaluation Policy for the GCF, for consideration by the Board at its twenty-ninth session;
  2. Approves the updated terms of reference of the Independent Evaluation Unit as contained in annex I; and
  3. Agrees that the updated terms of reference will constitute an annex to the Evaluation Policy for the GCF, which is amended through this decision.