B.BM-2024/03: Decision of the Board on the performance review and appointment of members of the Accreditation Panel
The Board, having considered limited distribution document GCF/BM-2024/03 titled “Performance review and appointment of members of the Accreditation Panel”:
- Takes note of the detailed report on the performance review of the members of the Accreditation Panel prepared by the independent consultant pursuant to decision B.36/03 and in line with decision B.BM-2017/03, paragraph (e), as set out in annex II of document GCF/BM-2024/03;
- Considers the performance of the reviewed members of the Accreditation Panel satisfactory;
- Decides to reappoint the following members of the Accreditation Panel for another three-year term, starting on the date of this decision:
- Mr. Ben Boxer (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland/Australia, fiduciary);
- Ms. Diana Isiye (Kenya, fiduciary); and
- Ms. Natalie Unterstell (Brazil/Switzerland, fiduciary, environmental and social safeguards (ESS), and gender); and
- Endorses the nomination by the Accreditation Committee of, and decides to appoint, the following experts to the Accreditation Panel for a three-year term, starting on the date of this decision in accordance with the terms of reference adopted in decision B.07/02, paragraph (h), and decision B.BM-2017/03, and taking into account decision B.08/20, paragraphs (d) and (e):
- Ms. Sandra Abiola (South Africa, fiduciary, environmental and social safeguards (ESS) and gender);
- Ms. Irene Nakiwu Koksæter (Uganda/Norway, environmental and social safeguards (ESS) and gender); and
- Ms. Yasmin Saadat (Iran (Islamic Republic of)/United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, fiduciary).