Building the capacities of key Sustainable Land Management stakeholders to mainstream climate change in Burundi, and updating the Country Programme

Building the capacities of key Sustainable Land Management stakeholders to mainstream climate change in Burundi, and updating the Country Programme
The readiness proposal will support the realization of a study based on available information and extensive consultations to (i) characterize the linkages between climate change and Sustainable Land Management in Burundi and (ii) propose recommendations of action for decision makers to consistently address these issues at national level (with specific recommendations for the local level). In relation with the results of this study, this proposal will support the training of relevant stakeholders (GSADR in particular) in climate mainstreaming in Sustainable Land Management issues, and enhance its coordination mechanism.
The challenges facing Burundi with respect to land degradation is a lack of good knowledge at all levels about sustainable solutions and inadequate knowledge about the financing that is available. Structural problems related to the lack of the functioning of the GSADR and an inadequate Draft Country Programme also need to be addressed. Gaps have been identified in disseminating information as well as the adoption and upscaling of good practices. Barriers such as the need for awareness and policies as well as a pipeline of projects on the ground will be addressed by this proposal.
The proposed outputs and activities will contribute to building capacity and developing the knowledge base for both the NDA and the relevant stakeholders of Sustainable Land Management (and in particular those involved in decision making) to understand the impacts of climate change on Land Degradation and respond to these impacts in a coordinated manner, as well as to be more prepared to mobilized the funding required to address these impacts as identified in a Sustainable Land Management (land degradation) climate pipeline. Together, the project outputs and outcomes will contribute to the following goal: climate investments in Burundi are guided by well-structured and informed strategic frameworks (including on land degradation), and relevant stakeholders are able to mobilize and implement GCF and other climate resources.