Building capacity to advance National Adaptation Plan Process in Mauritania
Building capacity to advance National Adaptation Plan Process in Mauritania
Several barriers prevent the GoM from integrating climate change adaptation into existing strategies and governance structures. These institutional barriers include: i) limited inter-sectoral collaboration between relevant ministries, departments and stakeholders; ii) a lack of clearly defined roles and responsibilities amongst relevant stakeholders; iii) limited availability of climate change knowledge and data; iv) the absence of a centralised database for the systematic storage of all climate change data; v) a lack of a funding strategy that would enable investment into climate change adaptation; and vi) limited monitoring and evaluation of initiatives at a national and local scale.
To address these barriers, the proposed GCF readiness and preparatory support project will implement activities according to four priority outcomes, namely:
- strengthening the technical and institutional capacity of government institutions, vulnerable groups and relevant stakeholders to implement the NAP process;
- enhancing the management, acquisition and dissemination of climate change data and information to inform priority adaptation interventions for the country;
- developing an adaptation funding strategy to guide climate change financing in the mediumand long-term; and
- Establishing a monitoring and reviewing system for the NAP process at a national, Wilaya (regional) and local scale.