Building climate resilience into Trinidad and Tobago’s Healthcare System
Building climate resilience into Trinidad and Tobago’s Healthcare System
The proposal seeks to build the resilience of the health sector to cope with increased incidence and intensity of climate induced disaster/extreme events and associated risks. As such this grant request seeks to improve the use of real time app-based systems to ascertain needs and prioritize responses. Also, activities will strengthen the country’s coordination mechanism so that heath system preparedness is aligned with meteorological early warning systems. Other support under this proposal include: Integration of disaster risk reduction into health policies and strategies; capacity building, and training of healthcare workforce to deal with disaster risk reductions; design of resilient health facilities that ensure health workforce and the public are safe from disasters, and ensuring access before, during and after the events; increase awareness and communication at the national and sub national levels on the impacts of climate change on the healthcare system and early warning systems and heath science technologies to promote effective planning and adaptation and mitigation actions. As a result, the above mentioned activities will be strategically realized through the following outcome areas: outcome1.1 (Country NDAs or focal points and the network/ systems that enable them to fulfill their roles, responsibilities and policy requirements are operational and effective) This will be through improved coordination and organizational structure to respond to climate induces events. While, Outcome 2.2 and 4.3 (GCF recipient countries have developed or enhanced strategic frameworks to address policy gaps, improve sectoral expertise, and enhance enabling environments for GCF programming in low- emission investment) and (An increase in the number of quality project concept notes developed and submitted that target LDCs, SIDS and African States) focuses on addressing gaps and improve sectoral expertise and enabling environment for low-emission investments in an effort to enhance Trinidad and Tobago Health System. The Government will seek to address gaps identified through the development of concept notes for submission to the GCF.
The Project will mainly benefit the Ministry of Health and all its subsidiaries and as a result the wider National community. The NDA , the Ministry of Planning and Development will also benefit from this as it is the lead Ministry of all matters Climate Change nationally and has to report to the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on National Determined Contributions (NDC) and other national initiatives being undertaken to meet our obligations