Building Climate Resilient and Adaptive Ecosystems in Rural Eswatini
Building Climate Resilient and Adaptive Ecosystems in Rural Eswatini
Eswatini is facing more frequent droughts4 and about 20% of its rural population is experiencing acute food insecurity. The agriculture sector, including livestock and crop production is the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change due to higher temperatures, droughts and floods, which jeopardize productivity and increase livestock mortality. The project will foster the climate resilience of vulnerable rural communities’ dependant on mixed systems of crop and livestock farming through investments that catalyse and create enabling environment for resilient farming and livestock practices as well as adoption of climate smart technologies, approaches and practices through agricultural value chains. The project will scale up successful practices implemented in the country by FAO and COSPE and will address the barriers for sustainable adoption. FAO, the Ministry of Agriculture, COSPE and other partners (to be confirmed during project formulation) will be the main implementing partners.