Climate Resilience of the Water Sector in The Bahamas

Document cover for Climate Resilience of the Water Sector in The Bahamas
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Climate Resilience of the Water Sector in The Bahamas

Climate change poses a severe threat to the water sector in The Bahamas, which is already vulnerable to climate impacts and is likely to become increasingly so. Climate change projections for The Bahamas such as increasing temperatures, decreasing annual rainfall, more intense storms and sea level rise pose a severe threat for the vulnerable water sector which relies on limited groundwater supplies. With GCF support, the proposed project will bring significant benefits to the people of The Bahamas by building a more resilient water sector and creating an enabling environment that promotes a broader sector transformation to safeguard water security in a changing climate.

PPF support from GCF is needed to conduct the following activities, which will identify existing conditions, gather available information and fill information gaps to develop an accurate full funding proposal and all required annexes.

Cover date 23 October 2020
Document type Approved project preparation funding application
Caribbean Development Bank