A Climate Resilient Leyte through Integrated River Basin Governance in Flood Risk Management

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A Climate Resilient Leyte through Integrated River Basin Governance in Flood Risk Management

The Province of Leyte is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate variability and change, increasing the frequency and severity of floods and typhoons. This has caused alteration to the ecosystems coupled with malpractices from the community thus resulted to lack of rural livelihoods and affected the local economy in the province. Well-managed ecosystems have the potential to reduce the severity and risk of these extreme events, especially for vulnerable rural communities.

The objective of the project entitled “A Climate Resilient Leyte through Integrated River Basin Governance in Flood Management” is to institutionalize a system of integrated flood management by integrating ecosystem and disaster risk management systems to allow nature-based flood and landslide management infrastructure to be planned and developed as part of regional DRRM. The Project will undertake: i) river basin governance for nature-based disaster resilience; (ii) community managed nature-based solutions; (iii) integrated flood- forecasting and early warning system implemented; (iv) gender responsive capacity building in disaster risk reduction management across the eastern side of the Province of Leyte.

The Project Concept Note was finally approved on November 3, 2022 by the GCF Investment Committee after responding and complying with its comments. The GCF Investment Committee instructed the submission of the Application for PPF for the development of the project’s funding proposal.

While the PCN was developed using relevant secondary data gathered from the concerned government agencies like the DOST-PAGASA, DPWH, DENR, and LGUs in the area, there is a need to further have a primary data basis and research on more secondary data to develop a quality funding proposal that would warrant GCF approval.

PPF support from the GCF is sought to fill in gaps in terms of information, stakeholder consultations and assessment of potential adaptation options, and to develop the full Funding Proposal. The following PPF studies will be undertaken:

  1. Feasibility Assessments and Detailed Project Design (to include Baseline Study & Vulnerability Assessment, Economic & Financial Analyses, Stakeholder Engagement plan, etc.)
  2. Detailed Budget and Procurement Plans
  3. Environmental and Social Action Plan
  4. Gender Analysis and Gender Action Plan
  5. Risk Assessment and Management
  6. Project Logframe, Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and Identification of Project- level Indicators
  7. Full Funding Proposal write-up
Cover date 09 July 2024
Document type Approved project preparation funding application
Land Bank of the Philippines
Philippines (the)