Enabling Readiness for Capacity Building on Installation and Maintenance of Solar PV in Timor-Leste

Enabling Readiness for Capacity Building on Installation and Maintenance of Solar PV in Timor-Leste
This project aims to support the government of Timor-Leste particularly the technical professional staffs of environment, Ministry of Public Works (National Directorate of Renewable Energy) and National Centre for Employment and Professional Training of Tibar (CNEFP) to strengthen the capacity in technical and management of solar PV. The project will also benefit current energy specialists in Timor-Leste who will receive training on solar PV installation and maintenance. Specific attention will be paid to ensuring that women are supported in the skill building portion of the project. This assistance is aligned to Timor-Leste’s INDC objectives of capacity development in low emissions and climate resilient development and contribution to mitigation action in the country.
The proposed interventions will strengthen the effective use of solar PV based distributed electricity systems in rural communities and villages in Timor-Leste, with the aim of transitioning to a low-carbon energy sector and building a sustainable, climate resilient development pathway.
The proposed interventions will directly contribute to various national processes. In its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC), Timor-Leste lists strengthening renewable energy (RE) use as a mitigation priority for reducing carbon emissions and dependency on imported fuel, while also addressing adaptive capacity to climate change. The support will also contribute to targets laid out in the Strategic Development Plan (2011-2030), which states that by 2030, 50% of electricity generation will come from RE sources, and will feed into the draft Decree-Law Establishing the National RE System and the accompanying RE Plan under development.