Entity support, strategic frameworks and private sector mobilization support for Antigua and Barbuda through the Department of Environment

Document cover for Entity support, strategic frameworks and private sector mobilization support for Antigua and Barbuda through the Department of Environment
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Entity support, strategic frameworks and private sector mobilization support for Antigua and Barbuda through the Department of Environment

Antigua and Barbuda is currently implementing its initial Readiness support request for NDA Strengthening, development of the Country Programme, and No-Objection procedure. These activities are underway and will be completed in March 2017.

Antigua and Barbuda’s second Readiness funding proposal will support the accreditation of a national direct access entity through the accreditation of the Department of Environment. Readiness funding will also support the further development and submission of an Enhanced Direct Access (EDA) funding proposal, to include project activities in Dominica and Grenada and in partnership with the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission. A key feature of this Readiness support is hosting a sub-regional Structured Dialogue for the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), targeting the public, private and civil society sectors, and piloting a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) mentorship arrangement.

Finally, the Readiness support will lay the foundation for engaging the private sector in adaptation and mitigation, where the project will identify opportunities for mobilizing private sector finance towards Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets. Readiness funding will build on existing initiatives, including the Revolving Fund Programme for Adaptation under the national fund, and will develop one concept note for the Revolving Fund Programme for Adaptation, and a full project proposal for a USD 35 million project identified in Antigua and Barbuda’s draft Country Programme, namely, Resilience to Hurricanes, Floods and Droughts in the Building Sector, which will promote adaptation in buildings to cope with extreme weather events.

Cover date 26 October 2016
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Department of Environment, Ministry of Health and Environment, Government of Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda