Environmental and social safeguards (ESS) report for FP045: Ground Water Recharge and Solar Micro Irrigation to Ensure Food Security and Enhance Resilience in Vulnerable Tribal Areas of Odisha

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Environmental and social safeguards (ESS) report for FP045: Ground Water Recharge and Solar Micro Irrigation to Ensure Food Security and Enhance Resilience in Vulnerable Tribal Areas of Odisha
This document presents relevant environmental and social safeguards (ESS) information about FP045: Ground Water Recharge and Solar Micro Irrigation to Ensure Food Security and Enhance Resilience in Vulnerable Tribal Areas of Odisha. Project and programme funding proposals that have environmental or social impacts are required to provide these reports as annexes to the funding proposals.
Cover date
16 March 2017
Document type
Environmental and Social Safeguards report
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (India)
Ground Water Recharge and Solar Micro Irrigation to Ensure Food Security and Enhance Resilience in Vulnerable Tribal Areas of Odisha