Establishing an Evidence-Based National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process at National and Subnational Scales in Cambodia Phase 1

Establishing an Evidence-Based National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process at National and Subnational Scales in Cambodia Phase 1
The overall objective of the project is to Strengthen institutional and scientific capacity in Cambodia to formulate and implement national, sectoral, and subnational climate change adaptation strategies and actions. It is envisaged that the project will greatly enhance the country’s ability to plan strategically for climate change, develop appropriate policies, plans, and projects/programmes, and access enhanced financing. The three outcomes include:
- Evidence basis produced to design adaptation solutions for maximum impact;
- Adaptation planning governance and institutional coordination strengthened; and
- Private sector engagement in adaptation catalyzed.
The current proposal is to support the first phase only, although details and proposed budget for the second phase have been included for reference. Phase 2 intends to build on phase one through three tentative outcomes. The first of these will continue engagement with universities to apply the evidence base from the first phase to address sectoral vulnerabilities, while the second outcome will focus on developing urban adaptation plans, and the third will further advance implementation of the NAP communications plan.
The direct beneficiaries of the project will be domestic universities and research institutions, government and non-government stakeholders in one municipality, private sector stakeholders (including MSMEs), and journalism/media professionals. Indirect beneficiaries will include current and future students at domestic universities, the government agencies and non-government stakeholders that ultimately receive the benefits from improved applied research capabilities at the universities, the residents of one municipality that is the site for outcome 2 activities, and Cambodian people that consume improved media and information products related to climate change and climate change adaptation. Overall, all Cambodians will benefit in some way from improved adaptation planning capabilities in the country.