Facilitating a gender responsive approach to climate change adaptation and mitigation in Jamaica

Facilitating a gender responsive approach to climate change adaptation and mitigation in Jamaica
The Climate Change Division’s 2017 gender study revealed that Jamaica’ Climate Change Policy Framework (CCPF) was not gender-responsive. Therefore any projects and programmes developed minimize inequalities faced by men and women and would compromise climate finance programming. Furthermore the Gender Workshop which was organized to facilitate dialogue on gender in response to the 2017 study revealed that understanding of gender and climate change was limited, information on the impacts of climate change on men and women in Jamaica was lacking, and institutional linkages were weak. Several recommendations were identified.
The Climate Change Division of the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation is therefore seeking support from the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme to address the challenges and build on the recommendations. The objectives of the readiness request are to strengthen the nation’s institutional coordination to promote gender responsive climate action and ensure policies, programmes and projects address gender inequalities. This will be achieved through the following activities:
- conducting capacity and institutional assessments
- facilitating an enhanced dialogue platform for Gender and Climate Change Focal Points to strengthen institutional linkages for climate action
- establishing a Vision 2030 Gender Thematic Working Group
- increasing data availability through conducting a national gender assessment
- integrating gender in selected Sector Strategies and Action Plan
- educating and engaging key stakeholders to better integrate gender in climate finance programming
- guiding gender sensitive GCF project concept notes