GCF/B.06/14: Detailed Programme of Work on Readiness and Preparatory Support

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GCF/B.06/14: Detailed Programme of Work on Readiness and Preparatory Support

At its October 2013 meeting, in its decision B.05/14, the Board requested the Secretariat “….to present to the Board, at its first meeting in 2014, a detailed programme of work relating to the provision of readiness and preparatory support, with relevant timelines and resource needs...”

Decision B.05/14 on the modalities for readiness and preparatory support, was taken by the Board after considering document GCF/B.05/14, including: (a) Various modalities for allocation, access and delivery of readiness and preparatory support; and (b) Relevant initiatives by other agencies to enhance climate‐finance readiness in developing countries.

The decision also took account of previous Board deliberations on readiness and preparatory support.

The recommendations put forward in this document are informed by Board decisions, documents and deliberations and are intended to operationalize decision B.05/14.

This document should be read together with document GCF/B.06/02 Initial Modalities for the Operation of the Fund’s Mitigation and Adaptation Windows and the Private Sector Facility, which provides a framework for documents presented to the February 2014 Board meeting

Document symbol GCF/B.06/14
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date 11 February 2014