GCF/B.10/03: Consideration of Accreditation Proposals

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GCF/B.10/03: Consideration of Accreditation Proposals

In decision B.08/02, paragraph (a), the Board recalled at its eighth meeting that all entities, including international, regional, national and subnational entities, can apply for accreditation to the Green Climate Fund (the Fund).

The Board in decision B.09/07, paragraph (f), having approved seven applications for accreditation at the ninth meeting of the Board, requested the Secretariat to use best efforts to have additional applications ready for consideration and possible decision on accreditation by the Board at its tenth meeting.

This document presents accreditation proposals based on the applications received up to 31 May 2015 for consideration by the Board. It also provides an update on the status of applications as a whole and follows up on previous Board decisions. A description of the accreditation process is contained in Annex II.

Document symbol GCF/B.10/03
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date 25 June 2015