GCF/B.11/08: Arrangements for the first formal replenishment of the Green Climate Fund

Document cover for Arrangements for the first formal replenishment of the Green Climate Fund
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GCF/B.11/08: Arrangements for the first formal replenishment of the Green Climate Fund

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) adopted an ad hoc resource mobilization process at its inception. This document presents the background to and initial provisions for implementing a replenishment model, as well as an overview of the necessary arrangements for the first formal replenishment of the GCF. It sets out a proposal on the required steps for the replenishment process that follows international best practice, including: preparatory meetings, financial targets, performance reviews, programming and strategic direction establishment, among others. Finally, a pledging session will be held where contributors will announce their pledges to the first replenishment of the GCF.

Document symbol GCF/B.11/08
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date 03 March 2016