GCF/B.12/06: Report on the development of the Draft Strategic Plan for the Green Climate Fund Submission from the ad hoc group of Board/Alternate members
GCF/B.12/06: Report on the development of the Draft Strategic Plan for the Green Climate Fund Submission from the ad hoc group of Board/Alternate members
At its 11th meeting, the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), noted convergence on the importance and need to set out a strategic plan for GCF in order to further operationalize the Governing Instrument for the GCF and guide the GCF as a continuously learning institution in further developing its operational modalities.
The Board further decided to establish an ad hoc group of Board/Alternate members to oversee and guide the Secretariat’s preparation of the strategic plan for the GCF. Additionally, the Board requested the Secretariat, under the direction and guidance of the ad hoc group to present a draft strategic plan for the GCF for consideration and possible approval by the Board at its twelfth meeting. The ad hoc group held six virtual meetings and two in person meetings.
The ad hoc group based its deliberations on the elements of convergence noted by the Board. The group requested the Secretariat to prepare an analysis of these submissions and prior Board discussions, in order to distill the main themes, ideas and insights on the objectives, and the substantive, structural and procedural elements of the strategic plan.
The group continued deliberating the various elements and structure of the strategic plan through its fourth meeting. At its fourth meeting, the group discussed an initial draft strategic plan. The group agreed that the initial draft be revised by the facilitator and circulated under his name to the informal meeting of the Board, as requested by decision B.11/03. This initial draft contained a proposed structure of the strategic plan, key substantive and procedural issues, and key questions to be discussed by the Board at its informal meeting, in order to solicit the Board’s guidance for the further development of the strategic plan for the GCF.
During the Informal Board meeting, the strategic plan for the GCF was the subject of a thorough and wide-ranging discussion with contributions from all meeting participants. This document, prepared in response to decision B.11/03 (j), incorporates the outcome of the discussions at the Informal Board meeting.