GCF/B.16/20: Updated terms of reference of the Independent Redress Mechanism

GCF/B.16/20: Updated terms of reference of the Independent Redress Mechanism
By decision B.06/09, paragraph (c), the Board adopted the terms of reference (TOR) of the Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM). By decision B.13/24, paragraph (e), the Board invited the Head of the IRM, following consultations with relevant stakeholders, to recommend any necessary updates to the TOR for the Board’s consideration. By decision B.15/12, paragraph (c), the Board authorized the Head of the IRM to undertake such consultations and present an updated draft of the TOR for the Board’s consideration at its sixteenth meeting.
Accordingly, this document outlines the background, consultative process followed and the proposed necessary updates to the TOR of the IRM. The draft text of the updated TOR is contained in annex II to this document for the Board’s consideration and adoption. A draft Board decision is contained in annex I to this document.