GCF/B.18/10: Structure and staffing of the Secretariat

Document cover for Structure and staffing of the Secretariat
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GCF/B.18/10: Structure and staffing of the Secretariat

This document presents, for the Board’s consideration, a progress report on the staffing of the Secretariat; reviews the evolution of the Secretariat’s organizational structure over time; reviews challenges with the present organizational set-up; presents an assessment of the required capacity to best position the Secretariat to deliver on its mandate and current business model with a projected staff hiring target of 250 by 2018; reviews organizational design principles used to evaluate potential changes to the organizational structure; and proposes adjustments to the organizational structure for the GCF Secretariat in the short term for the Board’s approval.

Document symbol GCF/B.18/10
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date 15 September 2017