GCF/B.19/24: 2018 Workplan and Budget of the Independent Integrity Unit

GCF/B.19/24: 2018 Workplan and Budget of the Independent Integrity Unit
This document contains a draft workplan and budget for the Independent Integrity Unit for Budget Year 2018. The workplan outlines the areas of work for the Unit in 2018. The budget reflects an estimate of the cost implications of implementing the workplan.
This workplan reviews the activities of the Unit in 2017 and the degree of achievement of milestones in the current year. It also builds on the achievements for 2017 and sets out new targets for 2018 as part of a three-year development plan for the establishment of an efficient and effective IIU.
The major priorities for 2018 are the advancement of the staffing plan to cover all the work areas of the IIU, operationalisation of approved integrity policies, implementation of a plan of proactive engagement with external entities and partners, development of comprehensive guidance for integrity matters, as well as scaling up of investigative capacity.