GCF/B.20/09: Risk management framework: compliance risk policy - Proposal by the Risk Management Committee

GCF/B.20/09: Risk management framework: compliance risk policy - Proposal by the Risk Management Committee
Through decision B.17/11, the Board adopted the first set of components of the updated risk management framework and requested the Secretariat to “continue the development of the risk management framework and its remaining components”. At its nineteenth meeting, the Board, through decision B.19/04, adopted the second set of components of the risk management framework, which comprised three risk policies covering investment, nonfinancial, and funding risks.
To uphold and commit to achieving the highest standards of integrity, ethics and transparency in the conduct and governance of all its activities, and to minimize reputational risks that GCF may encounter, a compliance risk policy is essential in providing a framework to deal with such risks. This document presents the Risk Management Committee proposal on the compliance risk policy which forms an important part of the risk management framework.