GCF/B.21/30/Rev.01: Arrangements for the first formal replenishment of the Green Climate Fund

GCF/B.21/30/Rev.01: Arrangements for the first formal replenishment of the Green Climate Fund
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) adopted an ad hoc resource mobilization process at its inception, with the Board deciding to transition subsequently to a formal replenishment process. This document presents for Board consideration a proposed process for the first formal replenishment of the GCF, including an indicative timeline, structure and format, matters relating to governance and participation, inputs and strategic direction-setting, and financial components, among others. It includes in annex I a draft decision of the Board; in annex II a proposed process for the first formal replenishment; in annex III an indicative timeline; in annex IV a comparison with replenishment processes of other funds; and in annex V a budget proposal for conducting arrangements for the first formal replenishment.