GCF/B.21/33/Rev.01: Analysis of options for the financial planning of the commitment authority of the Green Climate Fund for the remainder of the initial resource mobilization period, 2019, and 2020
GCF/B.21/33/Rev.01: Analysis of options for the financial planning of the commitment authority of the Green Climate Fund for the remainder of the initial resource mobilization period, 2019, and 2020
This document presents an analysis of options for financial management of the commitment authority of GCF for the remainder of the initial resource mobilization period, 2019 and 2020. It incorporates a forward-looking analysis of the implications of the options for pipeline management to guide the GCF replenishment process. It also includes information on the Secretariat’s experience in applying decision B.20/07 in managing the pipeline for the twenty-first meeting of the Board. A draft decision is presented for the Board’s consideration in annex I and a detailed analysis of options in annex II.