GCF/B.23/12/Add.05: Review of the initial modalities of the Private Sector Facility – Addendum V: PSAG recommendations on mobilization of private sector finance to progress the GCF forestry‐related results areas

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GCF/B.23/12/Add.05: Review of the initial modalities of the Private Sector Facility – Addendum V: PSAG recommendations on mobilization of private sector finance to progress the GCF forestry‐related results areas
This document contains the recommendations of the Private Sector Advisory Group to the Board on mobilization of private sector finance to progress the GCF forestry‐related results areas. The recommendations are presented in response to a request from the Board, and can be summarised as follows:
- Review current pipeline, and projects under implementation by GCF and other entities to identify successful cases/best practice;
- Request GCF and invite accredited entities, national designated authorities and other partners to develop innovative approaches to engage private sector in forest‐related activities, including all three phases of REDD‐plus and funding to implement direct forest‐related activities, taking into account all actors and processes involved in the value chain and all the benefits beyond carbon, encouraging also the GCF and partners to address/strengthen (sub) national jurisdictional approaches. Support the countries in the creation of an enabling environment.
Document symbol
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date
21 June 2019