GCF/B.23/21/Add.02: Report on the activities of the Co-Chairs – Addendum II: Approach to developing the environmental and social safeguards of GCF

GCF/B.23/21/Add.02: Report on the activities of the Co-Chairs – Addendum II: Approach to developing the environmental and social safeguards of GCF
This document presents the proposed approach towards the development of the ESS. It summarizes the preliminary review of the use of the ESS, compares the interim ESS with the trends and approaches in safeguard frameworks and policies of other international organizations, presents the options for developing the ESS, and describes the proposed process for ESS development.
The draft decision to provide direction to the Secretariat on the way forward is contained in document GCF/B.23/21/Add.01 titled “Report on the activities of the Co-Chairs – Addendum I: Updated workplan of the Board for 2019“