GCF/B.23/Inf.13: Updated policy for contributions to the Green Climate Fund

GCF/B.23/Inf.13: Updated policy for contributions to the Green Climate Fund
This draft paper was developed in response to the Board’s request, under decision B.21/18, for the Secretariat to prepare updated policies for contributions for consideration by the Board and the replenishment process. This document is the first draft of the updated policies for contributions, the original version of which were endorsed by the Board in decision B.08/13. The proposed revisions reflect the feedback received during the first consultation meeting held in Oslo, Norway during 4 to 5 April 2019. Some of the proposed revisions are presented in square brackets, as these require further consultation with contributors.
The draft is a work in progress and may be restructured for clarity to help implement and operationalize the policy. This draft is being presented for consultation and discussion with members and alternate members of the Board at its twenty-third meeting. Comments received from the Board will be discussed among the interested contributors at the second consultation meeting to be held during 29 to 30 August 2019.