GCF/B.27/Inf.14: Integrated Results Management Framework

Document cover for Integrated Results Management Framework
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GCF/B.27/Inf.14: Integrated Results Management Framework

This draft document presents the GCF’s proposed Integrated Results Management Framework (IRMF), intended to supersede the initial Results Management Framework (decision B.07/04) and Performance Measurement Frameworks (PMFs) (decision B.08/07) by updating the GCF results architecture and related measurement and reporting approaches for the GCF-1 programming.

The IRMF seeks to further strengthen the ability of the GCF to measure and report the impact of its investments, by updating GCF’s results architecture to operate in improved alignment with the GCF Investment Framework and enable more consistent measurement and reporting of results from the project/programme level. This proposed results architecture is designed to measure both quantifiable impacts of GCF investments and its contribution to paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development pathways in the context of sustainable development and supporting implementation of the objectives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement, as set out in the GCF Governing Instrument and initial Strategic Plan.

This draft document also presents the GCF’s proposed Results Tracking Tool (RTT), intended to enable integrated reporting of progress toward the delivery of the updated Strategic Plan of the GCF: 2020-23.

Comments received from the Board on the proposed IRMF and RTT during the Co-Chair’s consultation process, and from accredited entities on the draft IRMF, are presented in addenda I–III. The Secretariat’s responses to comments from the Board and accredited entities are presented in addendum IV.

Document symbol GCF/B.27/Inf.14
Document type
Board meeting
Cover date 02 November 2020