GCF/B.28/05/Rev.01: Evaluation Policy for the GCF

Document cover for Evaluation Policy for the GCF
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GCF/B.28/05/Rev.01: Evaluation Policy for the GCF

This document presents, for adoption by the Board, the Evaluation Policy for the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The policy sets out the Fund’s overall approach to evaluations, identifies the main types of evaluations to be conducted by the GCF and within its partnership of organizations, and sets out the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in relation to these evaluations. The Board, through decision B.24/15 confirmed the Evaluation Policy is a GCF-wide policy that guides the Board, the Secretariat, the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU), other independent units, accredited entities and national designated authorities/focal points. This policy has been developed by the IEU in collaboration with the Secretariat and in consultation with other stakeholders. In line with decision B.24/15(c), the IEU and the Secretariat have jointly clarified and delineated the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in this Evaluation Policy.

Document symbol GCF/B.28/05/Rev.01
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date 12 March 2021