GCF/B.28/09/Add.01: Integrated Results Management Framework – Addendum I: Consultation summary note

GCF/B.28/09/Add.01: Integrated Results Management Framework – Addendum I: Consultation summary note
This note aims to summarize the comments provided by Board members , alternate Board members and advisors on the Integrated Results Management Framework (IRMF) during bilateral consultations organized by the Secretariat held on and between 25 January to 18 February 2021.
The consultations focused on discussions on comments shared by Board members on the draft of the IRMF presented at B.27; issues that have been identified as still outstanding and warranted further consultations and consensus building amongst Board members and their respective constituencies; and obtaining feedback on any outstanding concerns from the various Board members. It also provides the Secretariat’s responses and actions to address the comments received.