GCF/B.28/Inf.13: Updated workplan of the Board for 2020 – 2023: As updated at the twenty-eighth meeting of the Board

GCF/B.28/Inf.13: Updated workplan of the Board for 2020 – 2023: As updated at the twenty-eighth meeting of the Board
Decision B.24/04 paragraph(c) mandated the Co-Chairs to update the Board workplan upon adoption of the Strategic Plan for the GCF for 2020–2023 and at the first Board meeting of each year. 12. By decision B.27/06, paragraph (c), the Board requested the Secretariat, under the Co-Chairs’ guidance, to update the Board’s workplan for 2020-2023 to reflect the updated Strategic Plan’s objectives and priorities, and to present it to the Board at the first meeting of 2021. This document responds to these mandates. It also presents the expected schedule for the consideration of 2021 items across the three Board meetings of the year.