GCF/B.34/27/Add.01: Accreditation strategy of the Green Climate Fund – Addendum I: Responses to Board consultations

GCF/B.34/27/Add.01: Accreditation strategy of the Green Climate Fund – Addendum I: Responses to Board consultations
The updated Strategic Plan for the GCF 2020–2023 adopted in decision B.27/06 contained key actions to improve access to GCF resources. It included adopting a more strategic approach to accreditation, for which GCF would undertake, as soon as possible, an analysis of the current accredited entity (AE) portfolio to identify strengths and gaps in coverage and capabilities, informed by country programming needs. In response to decision B.31/06, the Secretariat presented an analysis of the AE portfolio in document GCF/B.32/08 at the thirty-second meeting of the Board. In response to paragraph (p) of decision B.31/06, the Secretariat, under the guidance of the Co-Chairs, prepared the accreditation strategy in document GCF/B.33/08 for consideration by the Board. Consultations were conducted with the Board, AEs, national designated authorities and observers and circulated to the Board in document GCF/B.33/08/Add.01.
This document contains a compilation of the responses to comments received from the Board during the consultation process.