GCF/B.36/12: Matters related to the accreditation strategy: resourcing implications of the accreditation strategy

GCF/B.36/12: Matters related to the accreditation strategy: resourcing implications of the accreditation strategy
The Board adopted the accreditation strategy in decision B.34/19, paragraph (a), and annex VIII to the decision. In paragraph (b) of the same decision, the Board agreed to further consider at its thirty-fifth meeting (B.35) the strategic matters relating to accreditation that require further Board consideration contained in section II of annex IX. In paragraph (c) of the same decision, the Board requested the Secretariat to present the resourcing implications of implementing the accreditation strategy referred to in paragraph (a) of the decision for the Board’s consideration at B.35. The consideration of the resourcing implications was subsequently deferred to a later Board meeting. This document has been prepared to present the resourcing implications of implementing the accreditation strategy adopted in decision B.34/19.