GCF/B.36/13/Add.01: Management response to the Independent evaluation of the relevance and effectiveness of the GCF's investments in the African States

GCF/B.36/13/Add.01: Management response to the Independent evaluation of the relevance and effectiveness of the GCF's investments in the African States
This document presents the Secretariat management response to the Independent evaluation of the relevance and effectiveness of the GCF's investments in the African States undertaken by the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU). In addition to assessing the extent to which GCF approaches and investments are effective in contributing to the objectives of the UNFCCC and other global and regional agendas, the evaluation examined the GCF’s effectiveness and efficiency in reducing the vulnerability of local communities and livelihoods to the effects of climate change, and promoting a paradigm shift toward low emission and climate resilient development pathways in Africa. Many of the findings resonate with the Secretariat’s experience and lessons learned. The Secretariat is taking steps to address the recommendations within its authority, while others may require Board action.
This management response was originally published on 13 March 2023 as GCF/B.35/08/Add.01.